
The MPCI was active 2010-2018, this site is now an archive of our work together.

The MPCI is an open community with participants from local disaster management, international humanitarian relief organizations, private sector technology companies, non-profits, technology volunteer communities and individuals. The community believes in a free and open exchange of lessons learned to increase the potential for innovation and relationship building but is conscious of the need of crisis response organizations who may request closed information sharing sessions and capabilities to share within the MPCI. This open community seeks to augment and support crisis response authorities if they seek to work in the best interest of the persons affected by crisis.

The MPCI will be an open body without membership however will require members of the community to contribute to and abide by the MPCI Code of Conduct. This code recognizes a level of responsibility of those who seek to assist in missing persons information prior to, during and after crises.

  • MPCI is an independent association of individuals and organizations dealing with missing persons related issues
  • MPCI is focused on missing people related issues
  • MPCI is self organized and run
  • MPCI is a collaborative group
  • Information generated and shared within MPCI is public unless otherwise noted


The goal of the MPCI is to provide an open forum to foster dialogue, education, training, relationship building, policy and community standards development to accelerate the incorporation of lessons learned, emerging technologies and community input to improve and innovate how and under what conditions missing persons information is collected, managed, and acted upon.

Engagement Framework

MPCI will work in a collaborative and open environment and abide by a code of conduct as agreed upon in this document. The MPCI will work to develop an engagement strategy which takes into consideration the needs of the community and the capabilities of its membership to forward the community’s ability to accomplish its objective. The framework will include:

  • MPCI collaboration (establishment of small workgroups, recruitment into the community, conference calls, in-person meetings)
  • Virtual and physical sharing of best practices, research and dialogue
  • Policy development
  • Pre-incident partnership strategies with national governments and INGO’s
  • Community technical standards development
  • Community policy guidance (code of coordination, privacy, security)
  • MPIC Incident Coordination Plan
  • Opportunities for pre-scripted projects/programs for volunteer technology communities
  • Media/Communications Plan
  • Metrics